What is the difference between a microchip database and the PetLynx automated recovery system?
There is no doubt that the introduction of the pet identification microchip was (and still is) a phenomenal development for the companion animal industry. It is remarkable how something as small as a grain of rice has had such a significant impact on our ability to return lost companion animals to their owners!
That said, the microchip has its limitations. Microchip databases contain basic descriptions and contact information only, and this information is not easily managed by the animal guardian or accessible to someone who has found a lost pet. To discover if a lost pet has a microchip (or not) the person who finds it need to have access to a microchip scanner... and that's not always possible.
PetLynx's automated recovery system is different in that it works with or without identification. Matches are made according to a very basic physical description. Once this information is input into the system, AutoMatchTM actively searches lost and found reports from your community and surrounding Authorized Service Centers to find matches.
An automated recovery system is also more user friendly and effective in that it allows users to serve themselves over the Internet, rather than calling in to facilities and organizations and it provides matches automatically, reducing the need for manual searches.