23 December 2010

A Happy Holiday HomeSafe Story

Max, our 13-year-old Shepherd/Husky-cross, ran away from home on December 17th. The last time we saw him, he was running toward the bush behind our home. My partner and I followed what we thought were Max's tracks through the fields and bush for two hours without setting eyes on our dog.

Our search was was very frustrating. We eventually become separated ... and, miles from home, I fell in the frozen field and sustain a knee injury. I was driven home by a kind woman whose backyard I finally found myself in.

As soon I returned home I posted a missing dog report on PetLynx. Then, I spent a very long, very sad weekend thinking that old Max  -- who's sight and hearing are very poor -- had either frozen to death or may have been attacked by coyotes.

My partner never gave up hope that Max would find his way home. Eventually, he did .... but not on his own!

A school teacher had spotted Max walking down the middle of the highway, being dodged and honked at by passing traffic. She loaded him into her car and took him to the Dundas Animal Hospital were they sheltered him and searched for his owner. They found our report on Petlynx and called me Monday morning.

We are so grateful to ...
the woman who drove me home when I hurt my leg,
the teacher who rescued Max off the highway,
the people at Dundas Animal Clinic who cared for Max,
and the people at PetLynx for helping Max get home ... safe!

You are all truly Christmas angels and we cannot thank you enough!!!!
        Merry Christmas
        Susan and Max

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

21 December 2010

Injured Dog Struggles to Raise Litter of Five: Four Puppies and One Kitten

At  PetLynx  Corporation we LOVE happy endings! So we are thrilled to share this amazing story from Edmonton, Alberta, of how love and family are important .... especially at Christmas!

She was a young, homeless single mom trying to raise her litter of puppies, but true to the spirit of the season there was room for one more...

The badly injured  German Shepherd-cross was caring for her four newborn puppies — and a kitten — on a central Alberta reserve when she was found by rescue volunteer Criss Gerwin.

Gerwing took the entire family to the Edmonton Humane Society, where veterinarians thought they'd have to amputate the mother dog's bad leg. But local vet, Dr. Milton Ness, Capilano Veterinary Clinic, volunteered to do a special surgery that saved her hind quarter.

The dog is expected to fully recover.  She, her puppies and her kitten may soon be available for adoption. Her new name -- Esperanza -- bodes well for her and her furry family's future — it means "hope" in Spanish.

Check out this heart-warming rescue story in the Winnipeg Free Press

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

18 December 2010

Important 2011 Summit Announcement!

Date change to accommodate our animal health colleagues

In 2011, the International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies (ISUAS) turns its focus to animal health and wellness. This is a fitting theme, since 2011 marks the 250th Anniversary of Veterinary Medicine and has been declared World Veterinary Year.

A few days ago, our friends at the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association [CVMA] asked if we would consider moving the dates for the 2011 ISUAS to accommodate the 30th Annual World Veterinary Congress in Cape Town, South Africa.  The World Veterinary Congress will draw veterinarians, other health-care professionals and their families from around the world ... including delegates and alumni of the ISUAS.

For this reason, after consulting with key industry contacts, we have agreed to change the date of the October International Summit to enable Thought Leaders from the animal wellness sector to attend both events.

The new dates for ISUAS are: 19 -22 October 2011.

We trust this advance notice is sufficient to allow you to change your fall 2011 schedule.  We thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you at the beautiful Fairmont Montebello, Quebec in October.

Thank you for your support of Summit programs and for your work to build healthy communities for pets and people.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

15 December 2010

Dog Saves Human

In the spirit of love and compassion that is the foundation of the Christmas season, we share the following adoption story as a way to acknowledge and thank people across Canada who work tirelessly to rescue and re-home lost, abandoned and abused animals.

In the companion animal industry we always talk about humans adopting animals... but in many cases it is the animals who give unconditionally of their love and are our salvation. Enjoy this adoption story from an dog's point of view! 
Merry Christmas from PetLynx Corporation


Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her. I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn't be afraid.

07 December 2010

2011 Summit W5 ~ Focus on Animal Health

The International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies is  being held in  Eastern Canada in 2011

WHO WILL GATHER: Thought leaders and visionaries from all four sectors of the Companion Animal Industry.

WHAT WILL THEY DISCUSS: Animal Health & Wellness in our communities.

WHERE WILL IT BE HELD: The beautiful Fairmont Chateau Montebello, Quebec

WHEN: 12 - 15 October 2011

01 December 2010

Petsecure Ensures BC SPCA's Adopted Pets are 'All taken care of'

PetLynx Corporation is please to share some exciting news from one of our  industry partners!

On November 29, 2010, Petsecure pet insurance and the BC SPCA announced a new partnership that will provide all cats and dogs adopted through the BC SPCA with a six-week trial of pet insurance through Petsecure's Adoptsecure Program.

Each pet adopted from any of the 36 BC SPCA branches across British Columbia will go home with a trial of Petsecure pet insurance for accidents and illness valued at up to $500.

29 November 2010

CareerBuilder Survey Looks at Pet Owners and Career Paths

Are you a cat person or a dog person and what does that mean for your career path? A new survey from CareerBuilder looked at pet ownership in relation to chosen profession, compensation and job satisfaction.

Key findings include:
  • Workers with dogs were more likely to report holding senior management positions (CEO, CFO, Senior Vice President, etc.)
  • Workers with snakes/reptiles were the most likely to report earning six figures.
  •  Workers with birds were the most likely to report being satisfied with their jobs.

In terms of career paths, owners of certain pets were more likely to report being drawn to certain professions:
  • Dog owners were more likely to be professors, nurses, information technology professionals, military professionals and entertainers.
  • Cat owners were more likely to be physicians, real estate agents, science/medical lab technicians, machine operators and personal caretakers.
Want to know what a snake or bird owner might be when they grow up?
Get the full story in the Globe and Mail.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

24 November 2010

PetLynx Corporation passes the 1 Million registered entities mark

CALGARY, 24 November 2010: PetLynx Corporation is pleased to announce that it has achieved a significant milestone in the emergence of its production database by registering the one millionth entity in its automated pet recovery service.

PetLynx is Canada’s only information network for storing companion animal information and manages Canada’s most recognizable pet services brand. PetLynx automated recovery services are used in more than 211 urban centers across the country and the company has received support to move forward with automating recovery and information services for the rest of Canada.
"I find it extremely gratifying that the companion animal industry has embraced the PetLynx concept of one secure and centralized animal record." said Larry Evans, President and CEO of PetLynx Corporation.  "We are so grateful for the assistance of our strategic allies in Canada: Procter & Gamble, Western Financial Insurance Company, Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, Canadian Kennel Club, Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council of Canada, Destron Fearing, CDMV and Ontario SPCA. It is through their support and encouragement that the achievement of this benchmark has been possible. They are a testament to the power of collaboration in this industry.”

In 2011, PetLynx Corporation will launch the HomeSafe® program which is another game changing innovation for the companion animal industry.  This industry wide collaboration is expected to bring together all of the stakeholders in each community to create a new understanding of compliance for pet parents and service providers alike.  The City of Edmonton has agreed to prototype the HomeSafe® programs and to track the benefits which can accrue to the pets and people of a more compliant community.

Cindy Kreutzer, PetLynx Corporation     (p) 403.219.1088        (e) cindy.kreutzer@petlynxmail.com

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

22 November 2010

Companion Animal Industry Embraces Change

5th Annual Summit for Urban Animal Strategies leaves delegates feeling optimistic
Collective compassion and a forward-thinking spirit of collaboration was the foundation for discussions at the 5th Annual International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies (ISUAS) held at Lake Louise, Alberta, 13 – 16 October 2010.

Over the course of the four days, more than 80 delegates attended a series of presentations, networking sessions and an open forum that provided opportunities to share ideas, set goals, form new alliances and consider various strategies to develop National Codes of Conduct for homing animals in urban municipalities. The event was deemed a great success with delegates from across Canada returning to their respective communities full of enthusiasm and optimism that the state-of-the-art in urban animal strategies is about to undergo a revolutionary change.

The overall success and spirit of collaboration fostered at the Summit can be summed up by comments received from delegates:
  • The Summit is always a highlight for the year for our organization!
  • I come away from the Summit rejuvenated and ready to tackle new projects. 
  • Networking is extremely important to further improve our own programs. It provides the   opportunity to see what works … and what does not.
  • Right people, right info, right time!  We are poised to work together to have true impact.I look forward to everyone reporting on our accomplishments at the next Summit. 
  • Hats off to the PetLynx team for creating the environment and opportunity. 
  • This was the best Summit to date and reflects a growing respect within the industry.

18 November 2010

Australia Proposes Tough New Pet Purchasing Law

Children under the age of 18 will no longer be able to buy pets without their parents' permission in Victoria (Australia) if the Brumby government is re-elected.

RSPCA Victoria president Hugh Wirth said he was "thrilled" with the government's election package of animal protection measures, which includes a ban on selling pets to minors.

Dr Wirth said the change would make it illegal for children to buy pets without their parents' permission and sellers could face fines of between $1000 and $2000 for doing so.
"The reason we requested the government to do that is by law at age 18 everyone is deemed to be mature enough to make a positive decision and be accountable for that decision," he said today.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

15 November 2010

Petsecure Pet Insurance's 'FURther the Fight' Campaign

November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month

Petsecure pet insurance is joining the fight against pet cancer with their November Pet Cancer Awareness Month campaign, ‘FURther the Fight’, on Facebook and Twitter ... and PetLynx Corporation is pleased to be able to help them promote this campaign!

For every new fan to join their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter in the month of November, Petsecure pet insurance will donate $1 to the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) Pet Trust Fund, towards pet cancer research.

10 November 2010

Cats need our help ... this is the help they need!

THE OPPORTUNITY: Care for Cats and the Year of the Cat are the first major initiatives resulting from ideas born at the International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies. This national program will enable all sectors of the companion animal industry to work together to tackle the cat overpopulation crisis while raising the social status and value of cats in our communities.

Care for Cats is a long-term project that will respond to the cat overpopulation crisis by creating and distributing public education programs and support materials, encouraging community collaboration across all industry sectors; providing accurate resources; and collecting and evaluating national metrics to measure success.

  We cannot expect to completely solve the cat crisis in a single year. Care for Cats was formed ... Year of the Cat is its first project.
Launch date: January 2011.

08 November 2010

Happy, Healthy Cat Photo Contest!

At PetLynx Corporation we know that cats are much-loved and valued members of your family. So we want to share this good news about an exciting new photo contest!

The contest celebrates Morris Animal Foundation’s annual campaign to bring attention to feline health and features the wide range of products from Sergeant’s Pet Care that promote happier, healthier  lives for cats.

The contest runs October 26 to December 15, 2010. Enter at: sergeants.com

05 November 2010

2010 Summit for Urban Animal Strategies Gets Rave Reviews

Building in an extra day for the 2010 International Summit For Urban Animal Strategies allowed for the introduction of a new forum for discussion and delegate interaction called 'Open Spaces.' The day-long networking/team-building/collaboration exercise was lead by certified executive coach and leadership development facilitator, Karen Dawson, Create Now Inc.

Karen encouraged Summit delegates to identify issues that needed further discussion, commitment and action, then invited participants to break off into groups to address each topic. Subjects of intense discussion included everything from increasing the value of cats in our society, to developing national codes of conduct for animal homing, reduced cost spay/neuter programs and much more.

"As a result of these Open Spaces discussions, delegates left the Summit empowered and optimistic," says Larry Evans, President of PetLynx Corporation. "We feel confident the companion animal industry is on the cusp of great change. Facilitating collaboration and opening the lines of communication across the various sectors is the catalyst for this change."

03 November 2010

Tips to Keep Dogs HomeSafe

It is good to know what to do when you lose your dog ... but it is better to do your best to prevent your pet from getting lost in the first place!

Here are some valuable tips from PetLynx Corporation and the American Kennel Club:

29 October 2010

Concerned About Pet Overpopulation?

Consider "Fixing 'em while they're young"

At PetLynx Corporation we are committed to ensuring all pets have HomeSafe homes. That's why we want to share this importance resource addressing the topic of pediatric spaying and neutering of puppies and kittens. This could very well be a big part of the solution to North America's homeless pet overpopulation problem!

PetSmart Charities has an educational video that will help reduce homeless pet overpopulation by training veterinarians on how to perform spay/neuter surgeries on puppies and kittens as small as two pounds and as young as 6-8 weeks old.

25 October 2010

Every Home Needs a Harvey!

This creative video may be promoting the power of television advertising ...
but at PetLynx Corporation we felt it does double-duty by promoting adoptions from animal shelters!

Too bad every 'Harvey' can't get this kind of promotion ...
so that all homeless companion animals could be HomeSafe!
Find out how you can help a homeless animal this year!

22 October 2010

Cats Comfort Breast Cancer Patients

People and Pets HomeSafe

When the words "pink" and "cat" are used in the same sentence, it's usually referring to a kitten's nose. But this October, "thinking pink" and talking about cats takes on a whole new meaning, thanks to the folks at Purina Cat Chow!

Recognizing the remarkable bond between cats and breast cancer patients, this October, Purina Cat Chow is making a contribution to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation for every specially-marked product sold. The target goal is $100,000. 

According to Susan Molenda, vice president of marketing for Nestle Purina PetCare, "The support and comfort cats provide during these difficult times reinforces the important role pets play in our lives and to society, and we are pleased to lend our support to this worthy cause."  

18 October 2010

Announcing the 2010 Summit Award Winners!

CALGARY, ALBERTA, 18 OCTOBER 2010: Close to 100 delegates and guests gathered at the beautiful Chateau Fairmont Lake Louise, Alberta, on Friday, October 15th, to celebrate the achievements of their colleagues at the 5th Annual International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies (ISUAS) gala awards night.

Summit Awards were presented in a dozen different categories, representing all four sectors of the companion animal industry including:

    •    animal control and legislative enforcement,
    •    animal welfare,
    •    animal health and wellness, and
    •    animal services.

Winners were determined by current ISUAS delegates and alumnus in good standing who cast their ballots via a confidential computerized voting system.

Support Iams Homes 4 the Holidays Event

Do you 'LIKE' the idea of helping homeless animals?

Then PetLynx encourages you to help Iams -- one of our valued industry partners -- reach their goal of finding homes for 1.5 million animals during the annual Iams Homes4theHolidays event.

In addition to sponsoring a North America-wide adoption drive, Iams will be donating up to 2 million bowls of food to the North American shelter network via their social media campaign!

You can help by:
  • Adopting a pet from an animal shelter.
  • Clicking "Like" on Iams' Facebook page to donate food.
  • Sharing the Facebook page with friends and family ... so they can click "Like" to donate food, too!
Visit the Iams Facebook page to support the campaign by commenting or clicking 'LIKE'.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

14 October 2010

The 2101 International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies is on now!

CLICK HERE for more info on the International Summit For Urban Animal Strategies.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

11 October 2010

The 2010 Summit for Urban Animal Strategies Presents:

The 4th Annual Summit Awards Gala
Featuring Entertainer Dale Downing and
Master of Ceremonies Andrew Patton, Canadian Kennel Club

The Summit Awards are in celebration of those who have achieved the recognition of their peers for proficiency or achievement in the care of pets and people in communities across Canada. The event will be held on Friday, 15 October 2010 at the beautiful Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, Alberta.

This year's Entertainer, Dale Downing brings us comedy, illusions and crowd pleasing magic in a performance that has made him famous in a career spanning four continents and 30 years. His inspired performances have earned standing ovations, repeat engagements, awards from his peers and a place along side the country's outstanding entertainers.

Back by popular demand our Master of Ceremonies is the engaging and ever enthusiastic Andrew C. Patton, from the Canadian Kennel Club.

Andrew sees great opportunity for the companion animal industry in "big-picture collaboration, allowing us the prospect of touching every pet in Canada and engaging and offering value to the pet families with whom they live."

Andrew aspires to be the person the dogs in his life think he is and enjoys misquoting one of Napoleon’s generals: “We can either love cats or understand them, but never both.”

For information of the Summit Awards Gala email: judi.canon@petlynxmail.com.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

09 October 2010

2010 Summit Speaker Synopsis Part XIII

High Volume Spay/Neuter Clinics
Presenters: Kate MacDonald and Jim Sykes, Ontario SPCA

This session will tell the story of how the high-volume spay/neuter model was introduced in Ontario … and more importantly, of the impact the model has had in the brief period of time since its inception.

FixYourPet.ca … It’s the kindest thing you can do.
A legacy for Animal Welfare in Ontario

Learn the key components of developing the model including forming strategic partnerships, establishing the goals and objectives, working within regulations and engaging our communities and the public in the cause.

By the end of the session, you will have gained a synopsis of the program’s impact to date and future projections, the key components of the business plan and budget for one site, and an overview of the marketing messages and communications strategies for the promotion of spay/neuter.   


Kate MacDonald has 25 years experience in the non-profit sector, specializing in strategic planning, capital campaign management, financial analysis, non-profit administration and donor relations.

Currently, Kate serves as Chief Executive Officer for the Ontario SPCA, supporting over 50 active communities across Ontario. Kate’s main emphasis is on re-focusing the organization’s cultural vision to concentrate on collaborative service delivery, including establishing strategic alliances, strengthening brand recognition and developing province-wide fund development programs.  Since joining the Ontario SPCA in 2007, the organization has achieved the strongest financial position in recent history, has strengthened provincial legislation with the first substantive change in 90 years, and has introduced the first high-volume spay/neuter services in the province, along with the award winning public service campaign FixYourPet.ca.

Kate looks forward to contributing to the Year of the Cat in 2011 by engaging communities across the province to promote the campaign and by being an active member of the Care for Cats Advisory Council, chaired by Dr. Liz O’Brien.

Kate is proud of the contributions she has made to organizations including United Way, Canadian Living Foundation, Sunnybrook Foundation, William Osler Health Centre Foundation and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Kate is an active volunteer nationally and within her rural community, has taught fundraising at Mount Royal College and is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

Jim has spent his entire career working with grassroots community groups and large national organizations.  He spent ten years as a faculty member at Hamilton’s Mohawk College teaching urban politics and psychology.  After a career of more than twenty-five years as a community development and management professional in the Canadian YMCA Jim decided to re-challenge his skills by working with the Hamilton/Burlington SPCA as its President and CEO from 2004–2009.

During this time the Hamilton/Burlington SPCA expanded the scope of its programs and services, pioneering the ASPCA© Meet Your Match™ family of adoption related programs in Canada, created a range of new youth/humane education programs, re-launching a greatly enhanced Pet Encounter Therapy program, and successfully brought Therapeutic Riding programs under the HBSPCA’s umbrella.  In the Fall of 2009 the HBSPCA successfully accredited a new Companion Animal Hospital within its existing 28,000 square foot facility.  In 2007 at the National Summit for Urban Animal Strategies, Jim was selected by his colleagues to receive the prestigious “Summit Award for Individual Achievement”  This award recognized Jim’s leadership in Animal Welfare at both the Ontario SPCA and Hamilton/Burlington SPCA.

In October of 2009 Jim accepted the position of Chief Operating Officer for the Ontario SPCA where he had previously been the volunteer President and Chairman of the Board of Directors for almost four years.

Jim’s current work with the Ontario SPCA focuses on assisting the CEO and Board with a renewed vision for the organization to be shared with the fifty communities that it currently serves under the OSPCA Act.
Jim’s family includes four dachshunds all adopted from the SPCA over the past six years.
For information on other Summit speakers and topics, check the agenda.
Learn more about the Summit For Urban Animal Strategies. Click here.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

2010 Summit Speaker Synopsis Part XI

Responsible Homing Practices at Retail
Presenters: Kieth Burgess, PIJAC /Pet Paradise
and Robert Brissette, PetLand Canada Inc.

As a community based source for pets and pet care information Canadian pet retailers have an integral role in helping to ensure pets find good homes.  Pet stores have come a long way since they first appeared in the 1950’s. 

As the emotional value of pets has sky rocketed in the last decade owners are becoming more conscious and open to the needs of their animals. A respected, easily accessible source for information, retail stores are well positioned to educate owners about the responsibility and work involved in caring for their pets.  This presentation will take a brief look back at the evolution of pet retail and what drives it today.

Keith Burgess and Robert Brissette will explore the challenges faced by both independent and large operations, as well as, share the homing initiatives they use in their business models to illustrate how reputable retailers are working to advance the well-being of pets in their communities.

2010 Summit Speaker Synopsis Part XII

The International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies Presents:
A Framework for National Codes of Conduct 
Presenter: Louis McCann 
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council Canada (PIJAC Canada)

The welfare of urban animals in Canada is the common link between all sectors of the pet industry.  With a long history of philosophical differences these sectors have frequently found it a challenge to collaborate.  This presentation will discuss the reality the industry is currently facing and why national codes of conduct are desperately needed to help address homing issues.

Louis McCann will propose a step by step plan on how to work together and explain why a cooperative pooling of resources is the path to progress.  He will offer evidence of other success stories and discuss how existing materials can help pave the way to developing codes of conduct.  Louis will share his experiences from both the SPCA and business sides of the industry to illustrate why a unified approach is the key for success.


Louis McCann has spent the last 35 years working in the pet sector. At the age of 16 he began working for the Montreal SPCA cleaning kennels. After achieving  his Bachelor of Science with a major in wildlife management Louis worked his way through the ranks of the SPCA, becoming the Director of Cruelty Investigations and Director of the Wildlife Department. In addition to his directorial duties Louis was also the society’s media spokesperson and representative in the area of municipal animal control.

In 1991 Louis became the Executive Director for the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council of Canada (PIJAC Canada). He took the position, confident that he would find in this job, the necessary tools and opportunities to successfully pursue his vision of improved animal welfare practices and the promotion of responsible pet ownership. 

For almost two decades Louis has been the lead advocate representing the interests of pet businesses in Canada, including;  manufacturers, distributors, retailers and pet care service providers.  Combining his own expertise with government partners and other pet welfare organizations Louis has raised the bar for the Canadian pet industry. He has achieved this through the development of health protocols, municipal and provincial guidelines, best practice recommendations for businesses and the promotion of sound animal care and husbandry practices in all sectors of the pet industry.

Louis views cooperation over confrontation as the ultimate path to progress, this why he has worked tirelessly to advance standards surrounding the care and health of pets everywhere. He is a founding member of Anima Quebec, the National Companion Animal Coalition and as an original member of International Pet Advisory Council, Louis is a well respected figure on the world stage.

From rescuing seals in Montreal harbour to speaking in provincial legislatures across Canada, Louis McCann is one of the foremost authorities on urban animal issues.

For information on other Summit speakers and topics, check the agenda.
Learn more about the Summit For Urban Animal Strategies. Click here.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

08 October 2010

2010 Summit Speaker Synopsis Part X

Homing Practices Amongst Canadian Canine Breeders
Presenter: Lee Steeves, Canadian Kennel Club

In this thought-provoking and fact-filled presentation Lee Steeves will provide an in-depth look at the demographics of Canadian Kennel Club dog breeders. She will examine some of the basic characteristics of dog breeders and what makes them unique. Further discussion about the CKC's Code of Ethics and Breeder Code of Practice will shed light onto this important but often misunderstood segment of the companion animal industry.

Steeves will also delve into some of the 'Why's and How's' of the CKC's Breeder Focus: what steps are being taken to ensure breed improvement; breeder and public education; and some of the challenges faced into today's environment.

Looking to the future of the CKC and dog breeders, Steeves will discuss topics such as market share, media focus, validation of breeding stock and the supply/demand chain.

07 October 2010

2010 Summit Speaker Synopsis Part VIII

HomeSafe, Bringing Voluntary Compliance to our Industry
Presenter: Larry Evans, PetLynx Corporation
The companion animal industry has focused on developing a more ‘responsible pet parent’ for at least the past four years. This activity has established an awareness level that can now serve as the foundation for an acceleration phase within our industry. The pet parents we serve have already shown  they are willing to be responsible in other areas of their lives.

This presentation discusses the broader concept of ‘compliance’ and seeks to understand it in the context of the entire industry.  We will seek to illuminate the need for consensus in the definition of compliance and to examine voluntary compliance as the best/only approach for the pets and people we serve in our communities.

2010 Summit Speaker Synopsis Part IX

The International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies Presents:
WikiBrands ~ Reinventing your Business in a Customer-Driven Marketplace
Presenter: Mike Dover, Socialstruct Advisory Group

Based on the upcoming book Wikibrands: Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace this presentation discusses how companies can deploy technology to engage customers in discussions about their brands in a meaningful way.
For the longest period of time companies created products and services, pushed them out to their customers using the tools of the period. The 4Ps of marketing were sacrosanct – product, place, promotion and price. When strategies were formed, these customer functions were in the business of planning and pushing out these messages, through media intermediaries. The message was controlled; our role as consumers was to listen and buy. Now faced with a dramatic shift in how the technology-enabled collaboration changes relationships, an Internet-savvy generation will bring about huge changes in business and culture. 

06 October 2010

2010 Summit Speaker Synopsis Part VII

The International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies Presents:
Homing Animals in the Canadian Urban Environment
Presenter: Lisa Chen, Socialstruct

Petlynx has conducted a number of empirical research studies to investigate public opinion and metrics on behalf of the industry.  This presentation discusses how we can best mine the plethora of existing data and the strategies we can use to collect real-time market intelligence on a go forward basis.  Among the areas we will discuss are the following:

2010 Summit Speaker Synopsis Part VI

Animal Services in an Urban Municipality
Presenter: John Wilson, City of Edmonton

Recent events in the City of Edmonton have created an opportunity for City Council and the Administration to undertake a critical review of it's Animal Care and Control service delivery model. High euthanasia rates; the construction of a state-of-the-art care and control facility; and a new campus style animal services delivery model partnering with the Edmonton Humane Society all require changes to the way we think about companion pets in our community. They have also clarified the need to pursue an ambitious outcome; that no adoptable animal is euthanized in the City of Edmonton.

In order to develop a comprehensive series of recommendations to improve animal care and control services to achieve this outcome the City conducted research into the companion pet situation in Edmonton.

05 October 2010

Summit Speaker Synopsis Part V

International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies 
Presents: 2010 Canadian Breeder Survey
Presenter: Joe Mauro, Canadian Kennel Club

In March of 2010 the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC)  conducted an in-house survey of its breeder community. 2009 ended with a significant drop in dog registrations and CKC wanted to find out why.

The survey centred on breeders with registered dogs in 2008 who saw a drop in the number of dogs registered with CKC in 2009. It examined breeder attitudes and perceptions to the factors affecting their breeding programs.

04 October 2010

2010 Summit Speaker Synopsis Part IV

Presents an Amazing Line up of Speakers
Moderated by an Amazing  Facilitator:
Karen Dawson

With a lifetime of experience that includes everything from cocktail waitress to physics teacher ... and now pursuing a PhD program researching organizational effectiveness and change-making as a relational phenomenon, Karen Dawson is well qualified to lead The Summit for Urban Animal Strategies in executive level discussions on the topic of homing animals.

Karen's role as moderator is to support Summit participants as they engage in conversations to develop strategies focused on the many challenges relating to homing animals faced by the various sectors of  the companion animal industry.

30 September 2010

2010 Summit Speaker Series Part III

Homing Practices in Calgary
Speaker: Patricia Cameron
The Calgary Humane Society has two homing goals:

1) Ending euthanasias based on time and space constraints, and
2) Finding responsible homes for all adoptable animals in the City of Calgary.

This presentation briefly reviews the development of the Calgary Humane Society’s homing philosophies and approaches, then discusses the important role collaborations play in the success of homing efforts, and then outlines some recent innovations in homing practices that have increased the number of animals adopted. 

29 September 2010

PetLynx and Partners Launch HomeSafe™ Canada Initiative

 The "official" launch date is March 2011 ... but we are so excited we can't wait to tell you about the new HomeSafe RDOG and RCAT initiatives! This innovative new program is a result of months of collaborative effort between:
Although each of these companies represent a different sector of the companion animal industry, when it comes to our animal companions, we all share a common goal ...

2010 Summit Speaker Synopsis Part II

International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies 

Retail Adoption Centres Collaborating with Animal Welfare
Speaker: Kit Jenkins, PetSmart Charities

Instead of selling cats and dogs, PetSmart, Inc. partners with PetSmart Charities and local animal agencies to promote adoption of homeless pets through in-store adoption opportunities and community adoption events.

Adoption Partner agencies represent many philosophies and include private shelters, foster-based networks, breed- and species-specific organizations, and municipal shelters. The program has been in place in the US since 1992, with over 425,000 American adoptions to date.

28 September 2010

You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks!

PetLynx Corporation's Industry Partners ....
Iams and the Canadian Kennel Club Kick-Off Third Annual Rdog Week
TORONTO /CNW/ - The day goes to the dogs as Iams, in support of the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC), celebrates Rdogs - Responsible Dog Owner Groups - across the country. Starting September 27, dog owners from coast-to-coast are invited to discover the joys and responsibilities of being a pet parent during the week long campaign aimed at educating Canadians on being responsible dog owners and raising awareness about the role canine companions play in our communities.

2010 Summit Speaker Synopsis Part 1

2010 National Survey on Retail Puppy Sales

There have been numerous media reports about the sale of puppies in stores. Questions about sources and care practices are frequently brought up. Subjective facts and figures have resulted in wide spread misinformation.

To help develop a clearer picture of how the retail model functions PIJAC Canada conducted the 2010 National Survey on Retail Puppy Sales as a way for stores to share their methods of operation. PIJAC Canada's Susan Dankert's presentation of the survey results will offer an insightful look into the sale and care of puppies in pet shops around Canada.  This talk will offer data on topics such as, average number of cages, sales, sourcing, care and warranties.

26 September 2010

Announcing the 2010 National Urban Animal Survey

PetLynx Corporation established the National Urban Animal Survey (NUAS) in 2007 to fill the void we perceived for an evidence-based approach to decision making in the companion animal industry.  In 2010, we are once again moving to change the paradigm for information and intelligence in this industry.

PetLynx is pleased to announce that Socialstruct Advisory Group has been contracted to assist us to develop the next generation of Market Services and Intelligence tools for this industry.  Using the largest pool of subscribers and working with our industry partners we will prepare a National Urban Animal Report each November.

23 September 2010

The Dog is Fine ... But Beware of the Driver!

At PetLynx, our goal is to help get (and keep) pets HomeSafe ... and we were surprised to learn that a recent study revealed that 2/3 of dog owners admit to engaging in distracting activities with their dogs while driving!

Dogs are wonderful companions and can be fun to bring along for a car ride. However, this can mean added distractions for the driver. A recent survey conducted by the American Auto Association (AAA) asked dog owners how often they drive with their dog and about their habits behind the wheel.

The survey found that drivers not only love to bring Fido along, but they also often engage in risky behaviors when man's best friend is along for the ride.

16 September 2010

IT'S TIME ... for the 2010 Summit Awards!

Take advantage of this special offer and join us at the

Summit Awards Gala

When: Friday, 15 October 2010  at 18:30 hrs

Where: Victoria Ballroom ~ Chateau Lake Louise


Package Includes:

Awards Night Gala Dinner

Entertainment Featuring Dale Downing...
With the comedy and magic that have made him world famous

Accommodation in a Fairmont Level Room

Executive Breakfast with Key Note Speaker: Mike Dover
Author of WikiBrands - Reinventing your Business in a Customer-Driven Marketplace


Single Occupancy - $279 CDN + tax
Double Occupancy - $349 CDN + tax

www.tsuas.com or call Lisa (403.219.1088/403.809.4630) 

Click here to learn more about the
International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies