28 March 2010

A Radical Spay/Neuter Message

The Vancouver Sun: PETA throws cash-strapped Octomom a bone

The media had a hey day writing creative headlines for the latest spay neuter awareness campaign launched by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It is a campaign that is sure to be a hot topic of discussion at animal services agencies and animal welfare organizations around the globe.

Octuplets mother, Nadya Suleman, is once again in the news, this time for accepting a payment from PETA in exchange for allowing the organization to place a sign outside her La Habra home, her attorney said.

The sign reads: "Don't let your dog or cat become an octomom. Always spay or neuter."

PETA made the offer amid reports that Suleman could be evicted from her home because she was falling behind on her payments.

Let's home PETA's efforts help Suleman keep her home and help alert people to the very real problem of pet overpopulation!

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

25 March 2010

2010 International SUAS Schedule Extended

Since 2006, the Summits for Urban Animal Strategies have been the voice for collaboration in the companion animal industry. Each October, executive level thought leaders from the four sectors of this industry convene to develop strategies that will move the industry forward toward healthier communities for pets and people.

The 2010 International Alumni Summit will again take place at the beautiful Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise
Wednesday, 13 October to Saturday, 16 October 2010.

With a focus on "New Strategies & Codes of Conduct for Homing" the Summit has been extended and the schedule adjusted to allow more face time for Alumni attending this event. 
Summit registration includes the following:
  • Wednesday Evening Welcome Reception
  • Six Working Sessions on Homing
  • Three Night's Accommodation in a Fairmont Room
  • Continental Breakfast and Lunch on Thursday and Friday
  • Your ticket to the Summit Awards Gala Friday night
  • Continental Breakfast and Keynote Speaker Saturday
  • Your summary of the 2010 Urban Animal Survey and speaker resources
Please visit www.tsuas.com to register, nominate delegates, purchase Summit Awards tickets or nominate recipients for the Summit Awards program.

For more information:

Judi Cannon
Program Manager
Direct: 705.930.7387
Office: 403.219.1088

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

23 March 2010

PetLynx Hits New Marks for Jan/Feb 2010

During the first 59 days of 2010, PetLynx registered 6,876 new entities of which 3,193 were pets and 3,683 were associates. At the end of February, the PetLynx Automated Recovery System stood at 319,868 registered entities of which 147,695 were pets and 172,173 were associates.

The business plan anticipated a 'many-to-one' ratio of 'associates' to 'animals' when designing the PetLynx model. At the end of February there were 16.5% more associates than animals registered in the PetLynx utility. Since associates are directly related to transactions, either as pet families paying for services or as industry stakeholders providing services, management sees the ability to grow future revenues as being directly related to the number of associates registered in the PetLynx utility.

In July of 2009 the PetLynx V1 rate rose to 94% for the first time. At the end of February, PetLynx had automatically assisted 147,696 recovery episodes and for the first time in history achieved a V1 recovery rate of 100%. The V1 recovery rate is calculated as the cumulative number of recovery episodes divided by the cumulative number of animals registered on the system at the same moment in time.

With the highest V1 rate in the world, PetLynx demonstrates the unique advantage its registration model has. PetLynx animals are registered for their entire lifetime with no additional cost unlike other services where the information chain breaks when fees to change records are refused.

These encouraging metrics provide evidence that PetLynx is the most effective and successful recovery service in the world today.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

21 March 2010

Mandatory Microchips & Pet Insurance in the UK?

      A recent article in the Associated Press explained that British dog owners may soon be forced to microchip their pets and take out pet insurance, part of a proposed crackdown on the country's dangerous canines.

    The government's proposals are aimed at tackling the growing problem of aggressive dogs being used to harass, attack and even kill. In a country where guns are tightly controlled and even carrying a kitchen knife can result in a prison sentence, animal rights experts and politicians say street thugs have turned to dangerous-looking dogs to cow their victims.
    The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said the number of complaints about dog fights had soared 10-fold between 2004 and 2008, the last year for which figures were available. In 2009, London Deputy Mayor Kit Malthouse called for action on what he called "weapon dogs." His opposition Conservative Party says hospital admissions and court cases relating to dangerous dogs have soared.
    The proposals were largely welcomed by animal welfare groups, including the RSPCA, which said it had long supported microchipping -- primarily as a means of reuniting lost pets with their owners. 
    It was unclear when -- or even if -- the controversial plans could become law. The proposals must undergo a consultation period (typically 12 weeks) which means they are unlikely to reach Parliament before Britain's general election, which must be called by June 3, 2010.  
       A host of European countries -- including Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Croatia, Italy and Portugal — have introduced mandatory microchipping rules in the past few years, with nary a raised eyebrow. France requires that some breeds either be chipped or tattooed. Even in countries where the practice isn't required, cities such as Berlin and Prague demand that dog owners chip their pets. Mandatory dog insurance, regardless of the breed, is already in place in parts of Germany and Switzerland.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

17 March 2010

Blogs About Dogs and Cats to Encourage Industry Collaboration

Did you know that in addition to this blog, PetLynx hosts three other blogs? Each one focuses on a specific target audience but all provide the latest news and information on developments that affect you in the day-to-day administration of your pet-related business or association.

We encourage you to check out any (or all!) of our blogs, subscribe to those of most interest to you and submit comments. Feel free to link to our blogs on your own site to deliver relevant content to your readers.

We believe that information sharing and industry collaboration are the missing pieces of the puzzle that will ultimately result in healthier communities for pets and people.

By continuously striving to increase pet registrations and add more community service providers, PetLynx™ is fulfilling its mandate to lessen the burden on animal shelters, rescue agencies and municipal agencies across Canada, while helping pets get back home… where they can be healthy, happy and safe.

Here's what PetLynx Blogs have to offer you:

Good news from people who help lost pets get HomeSafe™!
The HomeSafe™ blog provides pet families and community partners with lost and found pet-related stories of gratitude and inspiration, as well as general information related to lost and found pets, pet safety and how to better utilize the PetLynx utility. 

Tips and tools for creating a healthy community for pets and people
The EZBits™ blog is targeted to PetLynx™ Authorized Service Centers (ASCs), brand associates and community partners. In addition to providing tips and tools on how to better utilize the ShelterLynx™ and AnimalTRACS™ utilities, we also post information of general interest to the animal industry. We know you are all busy people, so we post stories with educational value for you to use in planning and program development or to share with your colleagues. http://petlynxezbits.blogspot.com/

Building healthy communities for pets and people and recognizing those who achieve success
The Summit™ blog is a forum for executive thought leaders to advance the state of the art in Urban Animal Strategies. In addition to providing news and information about upcoming National and Regional Summits, this blog provides insight into the North American Urban Animal Survey and other management-level information.

Providing the companion animal industry with proven business services.
The InfoStream™ blog is targeted to our investors, industry partners and executive thought leaders. It provides updates on developments within PetLynx™ Corporation, including performance statistics, new partnerships, and other community collaboration milestones. http://petlynxinfostream.blogspot.com/

12 March 2010

Purebred Dogs in Canada

A Canadian Kennel Club Charity Event
  • Three championship Dog shows
  • Six Obedience Trials
  • Three Rally Obedience Trials
  • Breeders' Village
  • Educational Events
  • Over $40,000 in Prize Money!
March 12 - 14, 2010
International Centre
Mississauga, Ontario

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

Live Video of the Biggest Dog Show in the World!

March 11 - 14, 2010, a cavalcade of more than 22,000 canines will strut their stuff in Birmingham, England, during the 120th Annual Crufts Dog Show.

Experience live streaming video of the action at Crufts Dog Show courtesy of our good friends at Eukanuba.
Posted by Terri Perrin, On-Line communications Editor

09 March 2010

Fur Flying in Los Angeles Over Dog License Drive

A recent news report on KTLA TV, featured on L.A. Times video, reported that the cash-strapped city is going to the dogs — literally.

The Los Angeles City Council voted February 23, 2010, to have two departments share information in order to track down people who haven't licensed their pets.

The City of LA estimates that two-thirds of the city's canine are unlicensed. Licenses cost $15 for a sterilized dog and $100 for an unaltered pet. Getting all dogs licensed would mean at least an additional $3.6 million in fees to the city.

The Department of Animal Services has eight full-time people whose job is to find and license dogs. The Department of Water and Power keeps a meter-reader database of homes with dogs. The council ordered the departments to coordinate to find (and license) those dogs that are currently not bylaw compliant.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

05 March 2010

Chihuahuas Cause for Concern in Calaifornia

In January 2010, the American SPCA Adoption Centre welcomed 15 Chihuahuas that had been flown in from California to New York with the hope of finding forever homes for them.

Apparently, California shelters have seen a dramatic increase in the number of Chihuahua intakes -- this toy breed now make up 30% of the state's shelter dog population.

These dogs may be tiny... but this is a big problem for state shelters!

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

03 March 2010

The First Blood Test for Cancer Detection in Companion Animals

BioCurex Inc., a biotechnology company developing products based on patented technology in the areas of cancer diagnostics, recently announced that it has launched 
the commercialization of its OncoPet RECAF test for cancer detection in dogs. The Company expects to expand this testing service to other companion 
animals, notably cats, in the second half of 2010.

BioCurex Inc. believes that this launch represents the first commercialization of a blood-based test for the universal detection of cancer in companion animals. 

The test detects the presence of RECAF, a universal marker for malignant cell growth in humans and animals. BioCurex developed and patented the RECAF technology for cancer applications.

 The new testing service will be offered to veterinarians and animal clinical laboratories through BioCurex's new wholly owned subsidiary OncoPet Diagnostics Inc.

OncoPet Diagnostics will assume responsibility for marketing and commercialization of the testing service on a global basis, both directly and through local and international distributorships. Depending on their location, veterinarians will be 
requested to send samples either directly to the OncoPet testing 
facility or to regional collection centers.

The processing capacity of OncoPet's current testing facilities is estimated to be 500-1,000 OncoPet RECAF tests per day. In North America, the OncoPet RECAF test will be marketed to distributors at
approximately U.S. $40 per test. In British Columbia alone, with a population exceeding 4 million, over 120,000 routine blood tests are carried out on pets every year.

For more information about OncoPet Diagnostics Inc., visit:

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor