29 November 2010

CareerBuilder Survey Looks at Pet Owners and Career Paths

Are you a cat person or a dog person and what does that mean for your career path? A new survey from CareerBuilder looked at pet ownership in relation to chosen profession, compensation and job satisfaction.

Key findings include:
  • Workers with dogs were more likely to report holding senior management positions (CEO, CFO, Senior Vice President, etc.)
  • Workers with snakes/reptiles were the most likely to report earning six figures.
  •  Workers with birds were the most likely to report being satisfied with their jobs.

In terms of career paths, owners of certain pets were more likely to report being drawn to certain professions:
  • Dog owners were more likely to be professors, nurses, information technology professionals, military professionals and entertainers.
  • Cat owners were more likely to be physicians, real estate agents, science/medical lab technicians, machine operators and personal caretakers.
Want to know what a snake or bird owner might be when they grow up?
Get the full story in the Globe and Mail.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

24 November 2010

PetLynx Corporation passes the 1 Million registered entities mark

CALGARY, 24 November 2010: PetLynx Corporation is pleased to announce that it has achieved a significant milestone in the emergence of its production database by registering the one millionth entity in its automated pet recovery service.

PetLynx is Canada’s only information network for storing companion animal information and manages Canada’s most recognizable pet services brand. PetLynx automated recovery services are used in more than 211 urban centers across the country and the company has received support to move forward with automating recovery and information services for the rest of Canada.
"I find it extremely gratifying that the companion animal industry has embraced the PetLynx concept of one secure and centralized animal record." said Larry Evans, President and CEO of PetLynx Corporation.  "We are so grateful for the assistance of our strategic allies in Canada: Procter & Gamble, Western Financial Insurance Company, Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, Canadian Kennel Club, Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council of Canada, Destron Fearing, CDMV and Ontario SPCA. It is through their support and encouragement that the achievement of this benchmark has been possible. They are a testament to the power of collaboration in this industry.”

In 2011, PetLynx Corporation will launch the HomeSafe® program which is another game changing innovation for the companion animal industry.  This industry wide collaboration is expected to bring together all of the stakeholders in each community to create a new understanding of compliance for pet parents and service providers alike.  The City of Edmonton has agreed to prototype the HomeSafe® programs and to track the benefits which can accrue to the pets and people of a more compliant community.

Cindy Kreutzer, PetLynx Corporation     (p) 403.219.1088        (e) cindy.kreutzer@petlynxmail.com

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

22 November 2010

Companion Animal Industry Embraces Change

5th Annual Summit for Urban Animal Strategies leaves delegates feeling optimistic
Collective compassion and a forward-thinking spirit of collaboration was the foundation for discussions at the 5th Annual International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies (ISUAS) held at Lake Louise, Alberta, 13 – 16 October 2010.

Over the course of the four days, more than 80 delegates attended a series of presentations, networking sessions and an open forum that provided opportunities to share ideas, set goals, form new alliances and consider various strategies to develop National Codes of Conduct for homing animals in urban municipalities. The event was deemed a great success with delegates from across Canada returning to their respective communities full of enthusiasm and optimism that the state-of-the-art in urban animal strategies is about to undergo a revolutionary change.

The overall success and spirit of collaboration fostered at the Summit can be summed up by comments received from delegates:
  • The Summit is always a highlight for the year for our organization!
  • I come away from the Summit rejuvenated and ready to tackle new projects. 
  • Networking is extremely important to further improve our own programs. It provides the   opportunity to see what works … and what does not.
  • Right people, right info, right time!  We are poised to work together to have true impact.I look forward to everyone reporting on our accomplishments at the next Summit. 
  • Hats off to the PetLynx team for creating the environment and opportunity. 
  • This was the best Summit to date and reflects a growing respect within the industry.

18 November 2010

Australia Proposes Tough New Pet Purchasing Law

Children under the age of 18 will no longer be able to buy pets without their parents' permission in Victoria (Australia) if the Brumby government is re-elected.

RSPCA Victoria president Hugh Wirth said he was "thrilled" with the government's election package of animal protection measures, which includes a ban on selling pets to minors.

Dr Wirth said the change would make it illegal for children to buy pets without their parents' permission and sellers could face fines of between $1000 and $2000 for doing so.
"The reason we requested the government to do that is by law at age 18 everyone is deemed to be mature enough to make a positive decision and be accountable for that decision," he said today.

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

15 November 2010

Petsecure Pet Insurance's 'FURther the Fight' Campaign

November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month

Petsecure pet insurance is joining the fight against pet cancer with their November Pet Cancer Awareness Month campaign, ‘FURther the Fight’, on Facebook and Twitter ... and PetLynx Corporation is pleased to be able to help them promote this campaign!

For every new fan to join their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter in the month of November, Petsecure pet insurance will donate $1 to the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) Pet Trust Fund, towards pet cancer research.

10 November 2010

Cats need our help ... this is the help they need!

THE OPPORTUNITY: Care for Cats and the Year of the Cat are the first major initiatives resulting from ideas born at the International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies. This national program will enable all sectors of the companion animal industry to work together to tackle the cat overpopulation crisis while raising the social status and value of cats in our communities.

Care for Cats is a long-term project that will respond to the cat overpopulation crisis by creating and distributing public education programs and support materials, encouraging community collaboration across all industry sectors; providing accurate resources; and collecting and evaluating national metrics to measure success.

  We cannot expect to completely solve the cat crisis in a single year. Care for Cats was formed ... Year of the Cat is its first project.
Launch date: January 2011.

08 November 2010

Happy, Healthy Cat Photo Contest!

At PetLynx Corporation we know that cats are much-loved and valued members of your family. So we want to share this good news about an exciting new photo contest!

The contest celebrates Morris Animal Foundation’s annual campaign to bring attention to feline health and features the wide range of products from Sergeant’s Pet Care that promote happier, healthier  lives for cats.

The contest runs October 26 to December 15, 2010. Enter at: sergeants.com

05 November 2010

2010 Summit for Urban Animal Strategies Gets Rave Reviews

Building in an extra day for the 2010 International Summit For Urban Animal Strategies allowed for the introduction of a new forum for discussion and delegate interaction called 'Open Spaces.' The day-long networking/team-building/collaboration exercise was lead by certified executive coach and leadership development facilitator, Karen Dawson, Create Now Inc.

Karen encouraged Summit delegates to identify issues that needed further discussion, commitment and action, then invited participants to break off into groups to address each topic. Subjects of intense discussion included everything from increasing the value of cats in our society, to developing national codes of conduct for animal homing, reduced cost spay/neuter programs and much more.

"As a result of these Open Spaces discussions, delegates left the Summit empowered and optimistic," says Larry Evans, President of PetLynx Corporation. "We feel confident the companion animal industry is on the cusp of great change. Facilitating collaboration and opening the lines of communication across the various sectors is the catalyst for this change."

03 November 2010

Tips to Keep Dogs HomeSafe

It is good to know what to do when you lose your dog ... but it is better to do your best to prevent your pet from getting lost in the first place!

Here are some valuable tips from PetLynx Corporation and the American Kennel Club: