24 March 2011

NOTICE - National Urban Animal Report for 2010

Executives in the companion animal industry concerned about the impact of the Internet and the other matters impacting their business are invited to attend an OpenSpace on this matter at the Regional Summits for Urban Animal Strategies, 13 - 19 April 2011 in Toronto, Halifax, Red Deer and Vancouver.

02 March 2011

Agenda Set for the 2011 Regional Summits April 13-19

Great Presenters. Compelling content. Stimulating conversations.
The 2011 Regional Summits will deliver all this and more!  

'Collaboration, change and progress' are not words usually associated with the many challenges we face in the companion animal industry. Yet they are now being used to describe the various initiatives resulting from conversations that started at the October 2010 International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies (ISUAS) and are continuing in communities across Canada!
We invite you to attend the 2011 Regional Summit (RSUAS) event in the community nearest you. The Regional Summits are the 'Reader's Digest' version of the International Summit. These events allow you to gain insight on what transpired at the International Summit, review industry metrics and and to join in conversations that are moving the companion animal industry in exciting new directions!
This year's Regional events will focus on the ever-challenging issue of 'animal homing'. A line-up of dynamic speakers will deliver a synopsis of presentations from the 2010 ISUAS and an interactive 'Open Spaces' program will be facilitated by Karen Dawson, Create Now Inc.  Open Spaces is a proven networking strategy that puts all industry stakeholders in one room and fosters a spirit of respect, trust and open communication. Karen's role as moderator is to support us as we get 'unstuck' and engage in meaningful and productive conversations.