The International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies Presents:
The welfare of urban animals in Canada is the common link between all sectors of the pet industry. With a long history of philosophical differences these sectors have frequently found it a challenge to collaborate. This presentation will discuss the reality the industry is currently facing and why national codes of conduct are desperately needed to help address homing issues.A Framework for National Codes of Conduct
Presenter: Louis McCann
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council Canada (PIJAC Canada)
Louis McCann will propose a step by step plan on how to work together and explain why a cooperative pooling of resources is the path to progress. He will offer evidence of other success stories and discuss how existing materials can help pave the way to developing codes of conduct. Louis will share his experiences from both the SPCA and business sides of the industry to illustrate why a unified approach is the key for success.

In 1991 Louis became the Executive Director for the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council of Canada (PIJAC Canada). He took the position, confident that he would find in this job, the necessary tools and opportunities to successfully pursue his vision of improved animal welfare practices and the promotion of responsible pet ownership.
For almost two decades Louis has been the lead advocate representing the interests of pet businesses in Canada, including; manufacturers, distributors, retailers and pet care service providers. Combining his own expertise with government partners and other pet welfare organizations Louis has raised the bar for the Canadian pet industry. He has achieved this through the development of health protocols, municipal and provincial guidelines, best practice recommendations for businesses and the promotion of sound animal care and husbandry practices in all sectors of the pet industry.
Louis views cooperation over confrontation as the ultimate path to progress, this why he has worked tirelessly to advance standards surrounding the care and health of pets everywhere. He is a founding member of Anima Quebec, the National Companion Animal Coalition and as an original member of International Pet Advisory Council, Louis is a well respected figure on the world stage.
From rescuing seals in Montreal harbour to speaking in provincial legislatures across Canada, Louis McCann is one of the foremost authorities on urban animal issues.
For information on other Summit speakers and topics, check the agenda.
Learn more about the Summit For Urban Animal Strategies. Click here.
For information on other Summit speakers and topics, check the agenda.
Learn more about the Summit For Urban Animal Strategies. Click here.
Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor
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