On 13 October 2010, the International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies will turn attention to strategies and codes of conduct for homing animals in urban municipalities.
Passions run deep when the industry talks about homing. Who is the real target as the companion animal industry tries to clean up homing issues?
Discussion of this topic produces questions:
• Why are retailers and breeders so often the target?
• Can industry work together to control demand through education and community expectations?
• Why don’t breeders have a better relationship with retailers?
• How do the vast number of animals being homed come into our communities every year?
• How can the industry target sub-standard animals/breeders who access their clients via the Internet?
To read about and comment on the role of pet retailers and animal welfare organizations in relation to animal homing, scroll down to blog posts Parts 2 and 3 below.
Join your executive level peers and contribute to the formation of homing strategies at the 5th Annual International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies. Your opinion matters! Register now. Keep informed of Summit events and deadlines on our Summit blog.
Provide your comments to this discussion below.
Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor