05 October 2009

Investment in PetLynx™ is Money Well Spent

AutoMatch™ system is automatic, effortless and more accurate

Dianne Martyn, Kennel Manager, of Kennel Inn Animal Control in Aurora, Ontario, says that it has only been about ten months since they joined the PetLynx network and they have already realized significant savings… of time, financial and human resources, and lives!

“Using PetLynx™ has enabled us to eliminate the need for time-consuming manual record keeping, tracking and matching of lost and found reports,” explains Martyn. “With our previous manual system we relied on people telling us what breed of dog (or cat) they had found and this was not always accurate. Since PetLynx matches based on the physical description of the dog and the matching is done automatically, the AutoMatch™ feature ensures better accuracy, wider distribution and a broader range of potential matches.”

Martyn says that Kennel Inn staff and volunteers like the fact that the system is “pro-active”, with their voicemail system directing both people who have lost and those who have found pets to go to the PetLynx™ website to register information and post a photograph.

“People who have lost or found pets are impressed with services when phone contact is made and we are able to instantly find their report and mention the animal by name,” adds Martyn. “This is a level of personalized service that simply could not be previously achieved. Also, the timing, in terms of dogs and cats being return to owner more quickly, has improved dramatically. In many instances, matches are made in the community and we never have to admit the animal into the shelter.”

“Using PetLynx has definitely been a time-saver,” concludes Martyn. “Although using PetLynx™ added some new tasks, the previously labour-intensive and arduous task of manually searching for matches is now done for us automatically, accurately and effortlessly. It is a fabulous service."