Whether they operate as part of a municipality or are non-profit agencies, animal shelters are busy places! While it can be a challenge, it is important that adoption staff and volunteers using PetLynx take a few minutes to explain the "perks" of registration that is part of the pet adoption package given to each new pet family.
What's in for me, you might ask? When pet guardians regularly update their PetLynx profile they help animal service providers (that's you!) get lost pets HomeSafe faster! With the PetLynx DataSketch system, lost and found matches can be made using only a physical description. With the quick and easy AutoMatch recovery system, fewer animals are brought to animal shelters... saving valuable time, resources and, ultimately, lives.
Benefits of PetLynx for pet families:
- Instant access to pet's ID and medical records 24/7.
- In an emergency, veterinarians, shelter workers and animal control personnel have access to information 24/7.
- Lifetime access to National Automated Pet Recovery Service, should the animal become lost. Includes ability to quickly and easily create and print "Lost Pet" posters.
- DataSketchTM and AutoMatchTM combine to enable real time automated matching of lost and found pets, with or without ID, to help get pets HomeSafeTM!
- Upload a new photo of the pet immediately. Update at least annually.
- Update contact info immediately, whenever anything changes. No fee for updating or changing information.
- Double-check pet(s) listing(s) at least once a year, ideally when dog/cat licenses are renewed or when the pet has an annual physical.
- Update medical information. This is especially important as your pet ages or if there has been a change in medication or treatment protocols.
- Update the profile if there has been radical change in your pet's description. (Such as shaving, spaying or neutering.)