15 February 2010

Toronto Gets 29 New Dog Parks

Good news for dog lovers in Toronto! After more than two years of extensive reviews, in late January 2010, City Council approved the addition of 29 new green spaces where Fido can run off-leash. The review of dog parks is a result of Council's adoption of a new 'People, Dogs and Parks Off-Leash Policy' -- which was formed to deal with growing conflict between dog owners and other park users.

But the addition of the new off-leash parks doesn't come without controversy. Some now popular dog parks are still under scrutiny and many dog owners are barking mad!

At issue in many parks is "dog space" versus "environmental preservation." Dog owners want their pets to run free and socialize, while environmentalists are seeking to protect the parks flora and fauna.

Learn more about this issue by checking out Toronto Unleashed, an advocacy group for Toronto dog owners. Read the full story from the Toronto Star.