23 July 2010

PetLynx Achieves Record High Registrations

An analysis of PetLynx Corporation's statistics showed extraordinary growth in the number of registrations in the first six months of 2010. During this time, a total of 57,620 entities registered with the PetLynx Automated National Recovery System. This achievement includes 29,561 companion animals and 28,059 associates (pet families and service providers) -- an increase of 129% and 91% respectively, over the same period last year.

An average of 163 animals and 155 associates registered with PetLynx each day during the first 181 days of 2010. This growth in the subscriber base maintains PetLynx in the leading position as the largest subscriber base of companion animals and pet families in Canada.

The number of animal recovery episodes for the first half of this year also increased, from 18,461 in 2009 to 19,232 in 2010. To date, more than
162,460 pet recoveries have been facilitated through the PetLynx National Recovery System in Canada.

"We are thrilled with
our progress and look forward to continued growth in Canada’s National Recovery System. We must also recognize the hard work of our strategic industry allies and the Authorized Service Providers in each community who have partnered with us to automate the Companion Animal Industry in Canada," said PetLynx Corporation's President and CEO, Larry Evans. "While these numbers are impressive, one must not lose sight of the fact that each of these registrations and recovery episodes are not 'just numbers.' This activity represents the industry using the PetLynx system to touch the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and pets across this country."
PetLynx is the only Internet system in the world that can recover animals using a physical description, with or without any of the common forms of pet identification. It is also the only system that can recover pets not enrolled prior to becoming lost.

PetLynx.... lifetime protection for pets and peace of mind for people.

What to know how the PetLynx Automated Recovery System could be implemented at your animal shelter?
Check out ShelterLinks today!

Posted by Terri Perrin, Online Communications Editor

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