- Easy to implement, operate and maintain
- Requires minimal client computer facilities and resources
- Holds data in a more secure environment
- Provides technical support and help capabilities, allowing local IT resources to be redeployed or eliminated
- Connects all users within a group or sub-group to the same data store without undermining security
- Can be access remotely, with appropriate user ID and passwords.
29 January 2010
Community Automation for the Animal Services Industry
The benefits of Web-based applications versus in-house systems
Private networks within large organizations, such as banks and manufacturers, have been using Web-based 'Application Service Providers' (ASPs) for many years. The pet industry, however, has been slower to adopt this this more advanced technology. Instead, many organizations rely on in-house systems, largely because they assume that adopting more advanced technologies is beyond their financial reach and technological capabilities.
PetLynx™ bridges the gap!
Our two shelter and animal management programs are ShelterLynx™ and Animal TRACS™. Both of these systems are easy to implement and use, reducing the need for extensive staff training and lowering the threshold of computer literacy required by staff and volunteers. PetLynx™ also allows public users to serve themselves with ease, which takes some of the pressure off staff.
Advantages of Petlynx™ ASP web-based services: